Our Loove Story
Harlie & Ethan (we) met on April 5th, 2018. Also known in some circles as Sean Davidson’s birthday (thank you Sean for being born). It was a party Harlie effectively crashed and yes, several Harley Davidson jokes were made. After an evening that will fondly be remembered by hand-pulled noodles, blatant stares, flexed muscles and a thin cyan flannel, a broken toilet, and Lord of the Rings discussion, Harlie put Ethan’s number into her phone under the name “Froto” (which remains to this day), and Harlie’s number went into Ethan’s phone as “Harlie 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕” (you can imagine this was very difficult for Siri and changed after some time).
Our first 6 months saw us through two career changes, numerous bus rides on the M15, Jenga-Henge, the infamous Uber confession, Slayer’s final tour, and many nights at The Libary. Most importantly, it included some overdue therapy that solidified what was undeniable – we loved each other and our connection was worth diving into the deepest and darkest parts of ourselves to come out on the otherside stronger, and ready to build a future together.
They say opposites attract and that couldn’t be truer, or more valuable to us as partners in life (cough cough Scorpio / Taurus). While we may not be conventionally “romantic” or take traditions too seriously, we take each other very seriously. We can’t wait to see what else life has in store for us (& Corbin & Tomo) and thank you for all being a part of it.